Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Not much to report

Liam was a doll today as usual. I actually was able to get a lot more work done than usual this morning. It's nice being home in the morning with Liam, but I never thought it would be so difficult to get 2-3 hours of office work done before Noon.

7-8am: get ready for the day.
8-11am: get 2 hours clocked, bath, feed, entertain and lull Liam to sleep.
11-11:40am: pack car, eat lunch, wake Liam, change him, offer him a snack and get out the door hopefully with make up on.
11:40-Noon: drop Liam at the sitter and floor it to work only 10 minutes away.
Noon-5pm: work my hiney off in the corporate office.
5:20-7:30pm: make dinner, entertain Liam, feed by both breast and spoon, then supervise exit to dreamland.
7:30-10ish: enjoy Ian's company, watch TV, clean kitchen, pack bags for a new day, write in blog... maybe feed Liam again.

Yeah, what a life! But it's good and we are happy and that is what counts! Now... I need to find a few minutes to do some exercise. It's sure not happening in the morning... maybe when he starts sleeping through the night... PLEASE sometime soon!
And now I must exit to dreamland... hopefully for at least 4 hours straight!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hey, I'm super excited that for the first time, if you and Ian don't get a good night's sleep while staying with us, it won't be because of our kids! I hope it's a non-issue, though, and Liam is "sleeping like a baby" soon.