Sunday, March 19, 2006

Babysitter Round 2 & Liam the Inch Worm

We went out to the lobsterfest at Red Lobster with some friends last night and left Liam with our little 12 year old friend again. It wasn't hard at all this time. We had a really nice time with our friends and got our sitter home by 9pm.

She said Liam wouldn't go to sleep until 8 and he took a bottle right before that. I went to bed at 11 and then Liam woke at midnight for a feeding. I found him laying on his back!! When I last saw him, he was on his belly. This means he rolled over for the first time in his sleep and we missed it!!

I fed him on one side then changed his diaper so if he woke too much during the change, I could put him to sleep with the other half of the feeding. I changed his diaper with only the dimness of the night light on the opposite wall. I was half asleep too. I couldn't get his diaper off! I looked a little closer and realized our little friend had put his diaper on backwards! I laughed! I thought, "I know she has changed diapers before... what went wrong?" Anyway, he finished eating and fell asleep. I put him on his belly in his crib. Immediately he started crawling in his sleep to find a comfy position. He would bring his knees up and then straighten his legs, forming a triangle to push upwards... I watched for a few minutes and wondered why he started doing this on this particular night. At the 3:45am feeding, I found him not where I left him. His head was pointing in the opposite position I had layed him last. So weird. How did I not hear him struggling to move that much in his sleep? Thank goodness for crib bumper pads...

In my previous post I described Ian helping Liam stand and then landing him back on his butt over and over. I think this is where the crawling is stemming from. And this morning Liam would hike his feet underneath him and put his butt in the air (forming a triangle) and either roll over or push forward. Overnight this kid has learned how to roll over and sorta crawl... one week shy of 5 months old.


Katie said...

Better start Liam-proofing!

Guatyen said...

cute cute baby Liam! :)