Thursday, March 09, 2006

Drooling Over Water Bottles

Liam was too cute this morning. First of all, he woke up without crying... just playing in his crib. I took him downstairs with me to get some breakfast and while I was down there I filled up ALL our empty water bottles. (Note I did this while holding Liam in my left arm.) Each time I picked up a bottle he would kick and get so excited! He wanted to touch and hold each and every one! It was the sweetest thing to ponder how much a small baby appreciates ANYTHING new put in front of him! I mean, really, when was the last time a water bottle excited you? Probably when you were about 4 months old.

Anyway, this reminded me of a certain Friends re-run when Alec Baldwin was guest starring. He played Pheobe's boyfriend at the time. Each and every site, smell, event, word, sound, etc. would elate him! He would go on and on about a new food or beautiful centerpeice, etc. He would even make something negative into a positive. As stupid as that grown man seemed to those around him, I now appreciate the fictional joy the show was portraying. Liam is that way. His take on life is all positive.

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