Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Croup Milestone

Sunday morning, when we got to church, Liam's nose transformed into a faucet of snot. I was wiping his nose every 15-20 seconds for 2 hours. During sacrament meeting he'd say "boogies" real loud each time he needed a wipe. Cute the first few times, but as I ran out of tissue, my patience started to wear thin.

I wanted him to be able to go to nursery because he loves it so much, so I stayed in there with him to wipe and disinfect every few minutes while he played. I gave up at 11am when I heard him cough, so took him home.

The faucet nose didn't give up that day. That night at 1:30 am I heard a barking seal come from Liam's bedroom. I have heard stories about this sound and immediately knew he had croup. He coughed through the rest of the night. It cleared once he was up and about Monday morning, but that nose wouldn't stop.

Ian offered to come home before noon so I could go to work. He tended Liam and I appreciated it so much! I came home from work and Ian said he didn't have symptoms most of the afternoon. The nose stopped. There was no coughing that night.

All seemed back to normal Tuesday morning and I took him to the sitter. His nose runs a little bit, but he seems well. I am so grateful this wasn't another 2 week illness. And I was so grateful Ian could tend Liam on Monday so I could go to work (as I have already used 2 sick days in January alone).


Katie said...

Poor little guy! I hope he really is over it!

D said...

Kaden got croup last Wednesday. He just woke up with the barking cough. The runny nose started the next day. It hit him and now Matt and I a lot harder though. We are still working on getting over it. I'm glad that it was shorter for you. Viruses are no fun!

Unknown said...

Yuck, croup isn't fun. I feel so bad just listening to that little bark.

Anonymous said...

I hope Liam continues to feel better! Not fun at all... I hope and pray that Little Dude never gets croup, from all I have heard about it.

Jamie said...

That bark sounds awful..
But "Boogies" is cracking me up :)

Cheryl said...

Croup seems to something that not all kids get. My older boys never had it, but when Mason was about Liam's age, he got it 4 times that winter. All were about as easy as Liam's. He got the steroid shot a couple times.
I'm glad he's feeling better. Any sickness, no matter how easy, seems to cause schedules to to get out of control. What a nice hubby to come home and take care of him.

Unknown said...

my little one has super bad allergies...she sneezed in primary last week and it was all down her face....YUCK! I was glad that i was in there to run with the tissues.

Terry said...

It sure stinks when little ones get sick. The boogies in Sacrament Meeting is hilarious. (Really I am just relieved that I am not the only one with a toddler that talks too loud in Sacrament Meeting. Two weeks ago Eliza "whispered" very loudly, "Daddy, Wake Up! Its morning time!" I heard chuckles in a three row radius).

Angel Baby said...

No WAY. Annabelle sat up in bed this morning and barked that exact cough and I was like, "WHAT?" Fever and all... poor girl. I'm holding on tight for her to get some rest tonight. I hope she can... it's the worst sick I've ever seen her.

I'm so glad Liam is better. Clearly, since you had him out in the snow already to play!