Friday, April 28, 2006

Robert Service

I remember my dad used to say (and still says), "it's just money, there is always more money." He would always say that after spending a bit of money on me and I made a big deal about it. Three years ago he paid my way to go to Italy to see my sister. I was speechless when he asked me if I wanted to go with him and Mom. Four years ago my parents bought me an expensive sewing machine for my birthday (something I really wanted, but they usually send me $50). And there are countless other times he has over done it. And still does. That is what this excerpt reminds me of. This poem's meaning has many other dimensions, but my brain accepts it as an explanation of how motivated we are by money, temporal things that it can buy us.

I think men are more driven by things that money can buy. I mean, I am content with a car that runs, a house that is heated and doesn't leak, a comfy bed and clothes that fit (a luxury to a big fraction of folks in the world). And now that I have a kid, it's even more extreme. I don't care much about my wardrobe, my hair or jewelry anymore. Life is so fast paced... there just isn't time to go shopping, put on that bracelet or fuss with the fro. I never thought I would be so blah... but here I am not fussing so much because I have a husband that is loyal and loving... a gorgeous child that is adoring and in need of ME, not my current style. I don't have anyone else to impress, so why spend the extra money on "things" that don't buy me the reality I already possess. It is typical that my perspective is so turned around from when I was single or married without children, but I never knew it to be typical until it happened to me about 6 months ago. I hate that I didn't know all that until now. Wisdom surely comes with age, but I wish I could gain it faster than that.

Don't get me wrong... I would be fine and happy if I ran into a lot of money. I just don't think I would spend it on a bigger house or a fancier car. I would put a bunch towards our retirement, Liam's college and mission and give some to a few friends that are in need. I would travel with my family and keep this house as our home base. I would put Ian through college, pay off our mortgage, invest in a few of Ian's good ideas, landscape my yard... I would have a second child and quit my job. Liam would be exposed to culture whether it be sports, theater, dance, mentors, travel, art, music, instruments, woodworking, survival, service or playing in the mud if that is what he wants to do on a rainy day. Yes, money can buy a lot of happiness, but it's not essential to be truly happy. Thanks to religion in my life, I can be as rich as my soul allows me to be.


Katie said...

Great post, Gina. Money is nice, but there is so much it won't buy.

Tori :) said...

Great post and so true.

Rachelle said...

What a great post and perspective. It's so easy to get caught up in money and posessions. But like you, I have everything I truly need. The rest is just wants.