Monday, December 15, 2008

It finally came!

We got our snow on Saturday! Liam couldn't wait for it to stop falling, so he went out during the storm. It was freezing out there. I mainly watched from the window, but went out to the porch to take a few shots of his cuteness having a blast in the snow.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! We are experiencing another load of snow tonight - I witnessed an accident on my commute, and slid off the road myself, at one point. Only fun when I don't have to travel, I must say...

Leatha said...

How fun! I can't wait to see Raja running around in snow. He is so cute in hats, that Liam.

Suzanne said...

Love the snow shots! He looks so excited!!!

Clare said...

awesome, it has just been rainy and yucky here, please send some snow our way:)

Lynelle said...

We just barely got some as well, waiting for the snowsuits from Santa, that and it's just bitterly cold here!

Anonymous said...

I hate the snow, but Liam makes it look so fun.

Lil loves playing in the snow, but I will be the LAST person to go out in it.

Daisy said...

I WISH that we would get some snow!! The past few days have been down in the teens and freezing cold winds!! I WANT SNOW!!