Sunday, May 04, 2008

Saturday Evening with Liam

The photo shoot with Meredith went well. Liam had a great time and that is all that really matters!

Meredith was so wonderful! A good photographer is not only creative and flexible, but assertive! I liked how she gave suggestions on how we should pose and play with Liam. All in all, she let Liam run the show because she understands that is how a two year old likes it.

It will be two weeks before we see her handy work! I cannot wait!

Here are some photos of me and Liam playing outside that evening.

5 comments: said...

Look at you! You gorgeous beautiful momma you!

Anonymous said...

Why does this not look like the Gina I know?! :-) Your hair was pulled back on Sunday at church I didn't notice if it was straightened, but I didn't notice a change in the color. Maybe I am just really unobservant; sorry! - is this a permanent style now?

It looks like you guys had fun at the photo shoot - I'm so glad... and very excited to see the pictures!

Katie said...

You look so good! I love the new style!

Terry said...

I love your hair!

Angel Baby said...

Wow, your hair!

It's gorgeous!