Friday (May 23rd), I took the day off of work. I asked for the day off because I was so excited to see the proofs of Meredith's photos. She wasn't able to meet with us in the evenings I had available so I asked her if Friday morning would work and she said yes! When my manager said I could have the whole day off, I was so happy! It was going to be (hopefully) a nice day with Liam, seeing proofs with Meredith and shopping for day cares.
To my surprise, Liam was pretty easy to handle all day long. Meredith was so sweet to keep him entertained while I decided on my favorite photos. I rewarded him with a trip to a park near Meredith's house. We had a great time on all the cool slides and the swings too.
We then made a stop at a day care and did a tour. Liam was fairly shy so he actually wanted me to hold him. That came in handy because he didn't run off or get into anything while I chatted with the director.
We stopped at my workplace to eat a pot luck lunch with my co-workers (I had forgotten that I signed up to bring something when I asked for the day off). It was fun showing Liam off to my friends and he actually ate a few bits of good food (along with a million sour cream and chive potato chips).
We went home and played outside for a tiny bit then it was time for naps. We both slept well and when we woke up, Ian got home while we were watching Monsters, Inc. Ian watched Liam while a ran to Sam's Club and to see one more day care before the end of business.
Saturday (May 24th), we went to the Hogle Zoo. On the way, we stopped at our favorite breakfast place. Liam was ask if we were going to see the animals a few times during our meal. We kept reassuring him that was our next stop.
We took a break and got some snacks. Liam walked around with his ice cream cone and worked so diligently for it not to drip. We always find this task entertaining to watch. He is very focused.
He didn't fall asleep on the way home but he took a great nap once we got unwound at home. He was really sweet the rest of the day. We played outside and I can't remember what else.
Sunday was a lazy day.
Monday was the same. We did have Joslyn over to make cookies since it was too chilly to play in the water. They had a good time together and the cookies were so yummy!