Sunday, November 11, 2007

Two Mental Pictures

A Ninja Among Us

So yesterday Liam got out of his crib. Three times.

The first time, I was in the kitchen right beneath his bedroom, only minutes after laying him down for his nap. The boom was so loud, my heart jumped into my throat! I SCRAMMED up the stairs and only paused for a second to put a sane face on before I opened his bedroom door. I found him standing by his crib with that oh-no-she-found-me-out look on his face. I just knelt down and opened my arms and he hugged me. Then he whispered "hurt" just to make sure he got some sympathy, even though it was perfectly clear that he was just fine.

I put him back in his crib and went downstairs to call Ian at work (to inform him of the experience). My heart would not stop racing. I can still hear that blood curdling boom. I calmed down after about 20 minutes.

Fast forward 10 minutes.

I am sitting on the couch in the living room and I start to hear a consistent sound. Like something grazing the walls upstairs. I slowly go up the stairs to investigate. I open the door and Liam is behind it flinging the door stopper. How in the heck did he get out of his crib so silently this time? He is obviously no dummy. But he was surprised to see me again so soon. I guess it didn't register that flinging that door stopper would draw my attention.

So I decide to put him back in his crib, but stay in the room with him. I lay on the twin bed facing the wall so he thinks I am asleep. I hear commotion of blankets and what-not being thrown from the crib. Then I hear some tiny grunting. I turn to look. He is balancing his belly on the top horizontal rail, ready to make his leap. I say, "LI-UM!" He so gracefully flips himself back into his crib and lays on his pillow.

He never went to sleep. I guess little ninjas who aren't tired learn to escape the napping place.

Cookies in the Tub

So this morning Liam is in the bath. The water is being drained and he is picking up his toys. I go to get his towel.

I come back into the bathroom and Liam is squatting near the drain. Beneath him is a log.

I say, "Liam, did you go poo poo in the tub?" Then I hurry to get him on the pot to finish up if that wasn't all of it.

He sees what's in the tub (and apparently has never seen poo before) and says, "Cookie! Cookie!"

I was (and still am) laughing!


utmommy said...

I'm laughing with you.

Glad he didn't see that cookie and try to eat it before you got back in there.

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to see video of the Great Escape. Good thing he dind't grab that "cookie!"

Anonymous said...

Don't eat the cookie, Liam!!!!!

**just rolling from that one...**

I do not look forward to the day when Little Dude discovers the ninja way and plans and executes his great crib escape.

Sharon said...

hahaha! So cute! He is a little ninja! *grin*

Jamie said...

Oh my gosh that is TOO FUNNY! :) We have not had that happen yet, and hopefully never will... but maybe it will help him to understand potty a little better (my take on a bright side!).
Time for a big boy bed huh!

Yvonne said...

I loved how he said "hurt"--that was too clever.

Sure glad he didn't want to get the cookie!!!

D said...

Sounds like it is time to switch him to the twin bed. I am scared for that day. We are hoping we can wait until after baby #2 is born. :) I am scared for Kaden to boom out of his crib too since there is no carpet and padding there for him to land on. I've put down foam mats ...but will it be good enough?

Cookie! Hmm Liam needed to get a better whiff of that cookie. :) How funny. Glad he wasn't playing with it when you found him. :)

Robin said...

Ah that kid cracks me up! What a sneaky little ninja. He is very clever isn't he?

asiangard said...

LOL, Kai-LI has been escaping from her pack n play recently too....Uh Oh cookie in the tub! Are you potty training him yet?? Maybe it's time to start!

Anonymous said...

A glimpse into the mind of a two year old. Poop = cookie. :)
Definetely a memory to save and share with his girlfriend someday. Hee hee...

wendy said...


A friend of mine bought a crib tent to keep her son from climbing out. But 2 years old is when we switched to a big boy bed.

Anonymous said...

I am laughing SO hard. He is quite the little escape artist isn't he? It would have been great to get all that on video. Those are great moments.

My little one pooped in the tub several times too, unfortunately I wasn't lucky enough to get the "log". lol.

Katie said...

Ewwww. Funny little guy. Your title reminded me of this clip:

jolibe said...

The poopy cookie is so gross - but oh so hilarious! LOVE that story!

Uh-oh - time for a toddler bed or big boy bed...I know, I dreaded that day too. But my guy's been in one for almost 3 months, and he's done so much better than I ever expected! Yea! I'm sure your Liam will do great too! And at least you won't have to worry about the broken bones that sometimes accompany those heart-stopping BOOMS!

Terry said...

I am a little sad to hear about Liam getting out of his crib. Eliza learned to do that around 22 months. She hasn't napped since then. Now hearing about Liam, makes me think how close Sadie is to doing it to. I've seen her get as far as standing on the railing with both feet, with her body in a crouched down position. I got all dramatic and scared and got her down. I am nervous... I don't want my baby getting out of the crib yet.

The cookies story- Hilarious!!

Aly said...

Ha ha, Emma calls it 'chocolate'. I can just picture Liam crawling out of his crib like a little ninja. Motherhood is about mixed emotions, the pride of how intelligent your kid can be in figuring these things out, and the fear of what clever way they will come up with next to hurt themselves.

cpcox99 said...

I'm with you on the heart pounding boom of your baby falling/jumping out of the crib. We're getting Landon a big boy bed for Christmas. So are you potty training Liam yet? Sounds like he's getting ready. :)

Heidi said...

I'm sorry I haven't visited your site in a while, since Halloween. Anyway, Liam is so cute. What a crafty little boy, always thinking of ways to get out of things, like eating chicken or taking a nap. Sierra just whines or throws a fit until she gets her way. She doesn't really think out of the box like Liam.

Suzanne said...

Cookies!?! LOL! :D

How cute that Liam said "hurt" even though he wasn't! After all, how could anyone be upset with him if he was "hurt". :)

I think it's great he stayed in the crib as long as he did. Neither one of my boys would stay in theirs after 18 months so we had to introduce the toddler bed pretty early. Life changes so quickly when kids are no longer "contained". :D said...

Ewww! Silly boy. At least he didn't think it was a cookie while it was within his reach, huh? Yucky!

MK said...

Luckily Elizabeth was never a climber. I am glad he figured it out with getting hurt!

Good thing you got to him before he decided to put that "cookie" in his mouth!

Ashley said...

It is amazing how clever these little ones are. I am surprised daily!