Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Proud all over again

This morning I thought I heard Liam attempting to count. I mean, he says two and three, but he will NEVER repeat the word "one." If I say, "can you say one?"... he then says, "two." Hmmm...

So I got home from work tonight after running to P.E.R.C. Liam was in a great mood playing with Daddy. I brought out a "new" toy which was a numbers puzzle. He was putting all the parts in and didn't notice me and Ian standing there close by. He was jibber jabbering while pointing to each peice... and then that jibber jabber turned to full on counting.

"Two, phree, four, six, seven, eight, nigh, teh."

We looked at each other and looked back at him. We looked at each other again and Ian says, "You know, that isn't bad!"

I concurred.

Can we say WOWEE WOW WOW!?

We only work on 1-5 at home... the kids at the sitter's house must be working on the 6-10. Hmmm...


Tori :) said...

YAY for counting! Smart boy.

Livie will "count" when she's jumping into the pool. "Uh. Oooh. Eee!"

Yvonne said...

It's always amazing how they pick up so much more from watching and listening to other children.

You bet you can say "wowee wow wow"!!!!!!!

Daisy said...

I think every kid when they are learning to count always skips five. Cameryn did that too. One day out of no where she counted to seven and then after that all I could get her to count was "one, two, one, two"

Anissa said...

Might be a new record... youngest boy to count to 10. :) He will have to show off this talent when we are there.

Klin said...

I love when big kids teach little kids the good stuff!

Smart boy you have there.

Cute, too.

Terry said...

Hooray, Liam! Smart little boy. You rightfully are a proud Mama.

Mall Worker said...

That is great! Way to go Liam!

Suzanne said...

Yeah! It's always so heartening to experience our children learning, and it seems like he's progressing quite quickly! The next thing you know, he'll be singing the alphabet, Gina! :D

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

I love when they surprise you. Good job, Liam!

MK said...

What a cutie! Isn't it fun when you see them growing up before your eyes! Keep up the good work!

Jamie said...

Oh my gosh, that's fantastic!

David said...

Well done Liam!

Nettie said...

I KNEW that Liam was a bright one! Just wait, he'll be singing the ABC song loooong before you think he's capable!

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

That's great!