I had a very productive morning. So productive I was out the door by 11:30am (the norm is 11:46am). I got the car loaded, Liam in his new car seat and myself buckled in. I go to start the car... no worky. Many other attempts, no worky. I call Ian cuz I think it's the battery and he could jump it. Nope. He drove all the way home and I am sure glad he did. We had to get my car towed and I drove Ian's car to work while he drove the truck (which will be gone next week). Amazing timing on it all. The truck is gone come next week, our car needed the 48K maintenance done anyway (only 500 miles shy of that benchmark) and we had just BARELY bought the extended warranty on the new car (cuz who knows what could be wrong with it). What could have been a financial and emotional disaster was actually a very calm lunch hour (or two). Liam got to see his dad, dad and I ate lunch at home and Ian was able to take care of the car stuff while I tended to a needy baby. We only ended up one hour short on our jobs today.
I got home from work and saw that Ian tried feeding Liam his cereal and veggies this evening. He didn't finish, so while I was holding Liam, I tried giving him a bite. I was amazed that my child suddenly knew to open his mouth as the spoon came near. I said so out loud and Ian said he just taught him that today. Wow, Ian is such a good trainer. He trains the cats, he trains the baby... what a talented guy! I am so happy that my baby can finally eat properly! Woo Hoo!

Tonight before Ian and I went to bed, I stole a couple shots of Liam sleeping on his side. This is a fairly new sleeping position for him and I had to get it on camera. One of the shots shows his butt in the air as this has always been his most relaxed state. Hilarious! Oh and one more note, I took these shots in the dark... couldn't see what I would be getting, but not too shabby, eh?
Adorable pics. I remember i was amazed at how easily Trent taught Tucker to drink from a straw when I had no idea how to do that. Men, problem solvers.
So sweet. I love watching babies sleep. They seem so content.
Man oh man! The coveted butt-in-the-air shot! I found mine napping in this position one day, only to find she had shifted her position once I returned with the camera. You gotta be quick with these little ones!
Great shots, in the dark and everything. Skills!
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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