Saturday, September 15, 2007

I don't learn

I tend to say things out loud such as "things are back to normal" or "he's sleeping through the night" and the next day, yep you guessed it, things revert back.

So we had a nice day today. We went to P.E.R.C. to pick out some new toys for the week, stopped by the craft store for a couple things and came home so Liam could take a nap.

Liam only napped for an hour and a half. He woke up sad and needed tons of cuddles.

We headed to the Utah State Fair as planned.

Liam zoned out in the car, eyes open, drool flowin'... we wondered if he fell asleep with his eyes open. It was weird.

Liam loved being in his stroller as he met all the goats, Cookie Monster, cows, pigs, bunnies, birds and fish. Well, he didn't mind being held by Daddy a few times so they could go pet the cows and see the other animals a little more closely. When we put him in his stroller again, he just watched all the interesting people as we browsed all the booths and food choices.

We got Liam corn on the cob to keep him happy while we decided on what to get for ourselves. I got a Philly Cheese Steak sandwich and Ian got a brat. Liam started stealing bites of Dad's brat. After about 5 satisfying bites something made him choke a bit and it triggered his gag reflex. With a small audience, Liam barfed. Barfed again... and then one more time.

Ian and I sat there stunned for a couple seconds. I didn't know how he we were going to even start cleaning up a yucky baby and an even yuckier stroller. Thank goodness he had a full-coverage bib on at the time. The just-in-case outfit didn't need to be used. I took that sleeved bib off and only had his leg to clean off. The bib made a bridge all the way to the middle of his foot rest. No shoes to clean. Very good.

After using all the baby wipes on the stroller tray, foot rest and the root beer [Ian spilt in the cup holder], we were good to go get our funnel cake and head home. I apologized to our small audience for the show.

We laughed as we walked along. My funnel cake was covered in powdered sugar. I was walking into the wind. I was a white mess from head to knee. We just kept on walking as I chowed down.

We got home and hung out in the yard for awhile. Liam helped me sweep up some grass from mowing the lawn last night. Ian got the truck started so it could run for awhile. Liam immediately got in the truck and started honking the horn. He loves that truck! I got a few good photos of him sitting in it.

Then Ian decided to run to H0me Dep0t and get me some bark to put in a formerly weeded area of the yard. I was excited to have a cleaner look in that area. Liam didn't want Daddy to leave without him, but sitting in the front seat with him for a minute sufficed and I got a cute grin on camera there too.

Liam ate a couple crackers and his rice milk before bed. I do hope he feels better tomorrow. I worry when he has no appetite, but I can't blame him. Poor guy.

You can see the photos of the day HERE.


Tori :) said...

An hour and half nap is pretty much all I ever get out of Liv. I wish for more, but... nope.
What a fun day!!

Terry said...

I love Liam's big grin! That stinks about the throwing up in the stroller. It sounds like it could have been worse. That is a nice big bib you have there.

Klin said...

Thank Heaven for big bibs. What a fun time you had. I should have gone, but alas I did not.

Liam is so cute. He has a very sweet smile.

Jamie said...

Poor guy, sorry to hear he got sick at the fair. Maybe a good thing you didn't put him on the rides! :)

I laughed at you being covered in powdered sugar from eating funnel cake in the wind!

D said...

Kaden threw up off and on for almost a week. It was really weird. We would think he was all better because he would go a day or even a day and a half without throwing up. Then all of a sudden out it would come again. Nothing like the first night though. Just once and then he was done for another day. He hasn't thrown up in two days now and his appetite seems back to normal. Hopefully it is all over. Every time he coughs I jump and reach for a towel.

I hope Liam's throwing up didn't shorten your day at the fair too much. Glad you had a good day before it happened. Love his grins!

jolibe said...

Sounds like a pretty normal day to me! Life with kids - especially the young ones - tends to bring surprises around every corner. That's what makes each day so much fun, I think! :)

p.s. I'm back to my blogging, after the new baby and the move, getting online was a low priority - but now I realize how much I missed all you guys out there!

Nikki Neurotic said...

Too much excitement with all the food probably wasn't too good. maybe he even had a touch of car sickness?

Yvonne said...

Sounds like you all had a great day in spite of it. Good for you. Hope he feels much better now.

Anissa said...

I was hoping for a shot of you covered in the powdered sugar. :) You already know how sad I am that Liam is still sick so I won't comment again here.

utmommy said...

So sorry. Throw up is no fun for anyone.

Funnel cakes are so yummy! I'm always a white mess when I eat those, but they are so worth it!

wendy said...

Throwing up is no fun...public throwing up is terrible! But that is an amazing bib!

I hope he's feeling better today!

Robin said...

Poor little guy. i wish we could've joined you for the fair! And where did you get that way cool bib?

Nettie said...

Mmmmmm, funnel cake.

Poor Liam, I hope he is back to himself ASAP!

Good job being prepared with the bib!

MK said...

Sounds like a fun day. Too bad he got sick! Elizabeth loved the fair. So much to see and do. Hope he is much better now!

Suzanne said...

Oh my goodness! There aren't many more embarrassing things than your kid puking in public! "J" has a really sensitive gag reflex so he barfs a lot when we're out. I don't think I'll ever get used to the stares from people when he does!

How fun to see Liam with the corn! I love how kids eat it when they're little.

How funny about the powdered sugar blowing everywhere! That funnel cake sounds so yummy! :)