In other news:
I realized in the middle of the night a little over 24 hours ago that I am going to chop my hair off. I am done with the long tresses of messy random curl. I want it short enough so it's easy to straighten. I want to look presentable... I want to look polished. I haven't felt polished [looking] since before Liam was born (and it was rare even then). I haven't had time to look like a I actually care about my appearance. Hence the pony tail do for 9 months now. So I hope in the next week or so I can get the cut and get the look... the look of I-care-what-I-look-like-even-though-I-am-a-mom. I know you know what I am saying.
Maybe some other news too:

Oh wait.
Just typing that out kinda pulled at my heartstrings... whoops. Maybe I am speaking too soon.
I am starting to get abused. My sweet darling boy is losing his "table manners" I guess you could say. I am being hit or slapped in the chest while he eats. I am getting violently clawed and tugged at. I am coming upon a fifth biting incident and I am not looking forward to it. Yes, you read that right, my child cut his first tooth a couple weeks ago and three days ago figured out how to surprise me (four times now) with a nasty little pinch [with a tiny sharp tooth]! I am really not impressed...
...and I am really torn about the weaning idea.
*Photo taken 7/28/06. Liam's first tooth was cut mid July before his 9 month birthday. Click photo to enlarge.
So glad your day was going better... getting worried about your with all those crazy bad things happening! I understand why you would be dreading today!
Good luck with your hair cut! I chopped all mine off a couple months ago and I needed it. I also looked at it as "giving it a fresh start" if I wanted to grow it long again. It's hair. It will grow back! But, I was stuck in the pony tail she's-a-mom-and-let-go-of-herself look.
And weaning... listen to your heart and what you think Liam wants!
My hair was chopped off last November and I wish I had something to pull back in a ponytail on some days. :) But with curly hair, that's different.
With weaning, there comes a time when you know it's more for comfort than for nourishment, and you want your body back. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but definitely don't quit until you're ready (so you don't regret it). Sorry about the naughty bites. Those hurt!
I just want to take a few days off... but that isn't how breastfeeding works... I am just so done with being kicked, hit and clawed at each feeding. He's too young for me to say, "No, no, that hurts mommy..." I want a break, but breaks ruin a milk supply... I feel as frustrated as those first few weeks.
ok--we are going to come home expecting to see a new short 'do. that sounds so fun. and short hair dries so much faster. good luck with the weaning...
Gina, for what it's worth, I always think you look great. But I know what you mean about needing a new look.
Weaning usually is a bittersweet time. If table manners are the only reason you want to wean, he can be reminded to be a gentleman if you're not ready. It will take a few weeks, but it can be done. No matter when you wean, it will be bittersweet. I hope you can find what you really want to do. (((hugs)))
Don't you still have your pump? You could take a few days off if you pumped. Liam is big enough to remember how to nurse, isn't he?
Gina- the haircut sounds like a nice change. I have really enjoyed mine except on the rare occasion where I wanted a ponytail. It does make me feel more put together to have my hair done.
As for weaning, how many times a day is Liam feeding? You have done great and I am so proud of you. Don't feel bad if it is time to start weaninng. Just cut out a feeding and start from there. When Tucker was 10 months I cut it down to just a morning and evening feeding and it was a relief. It may be a little bittersweet, but sometimes it's just time. Trust your instincts. Being a happy mommy is what is important.
I understand completely. I am in the process of weaning Eli (he's 11.5 months) adn I'm starting to miss it already. Eli's never wanted to feed for comfort, nor have i fed on demand, but now I notice he gets a little sad looking when I pull out the bottle for his afternoon and night feed. (I'm down to only 2 nursing sessions/day.) I've not had many bites, but the ones I've had REALLY hurt. Had they continued, I would have weaned Eli already!
Good luck and follow what your heart is telling you.
What is it about having kids that make moms wanna cut their hair? Maybe we all need variety and an outlet from the same old same old around the house! :) Post a before and after photo if you can!!!
I forgot to mention, maybe its because my hair fell out in BUNCHES after birthing both my boys!!!
It seems about half my hair was shed when Liam was about 3 months old... I have such funny regrowth and the curl is weak on one side my head now... ugh.
i SO understand the weaning thing!! little bit bit me a few weeks ago and i swear it was a miracle from God that i didn't whap the child. i would NEVER do that on purpose but my first instinct was to slap away whatever was causing me pain. i caught myself at the last possible moment but it was a close one. i've gotten to the point that if she bites me, dinner is over. most of the time she's just playing anyway and not eating so it doesn't seem to bother her. my milk supply has dropped a lot so i am having to supplement 2x a day with 4oz of formula and have been contemplating just cutting out those middle of the day nursings. honestly, though, i don't want to pay for more formula!
as for the hitting, pinching, etc...let me know if you come up with a solution to that. little bit is SO energetic so every nursing session is like a wrestling match. and this pinching thing--what's that?? she's gotten to where she pinches my boob and her little claws are sharp!! it is definitely a bittersweet time. i think i just have a problem with the formula (cost of course but also the fact that i can make something so much better than that and i feel guilty giving her strictly formula). when she doesn't "need" breastmilk or formula anymore and i can put her on whole milk, i think i'll be fine with weaning. go with your instincts though! you are the only one who knows what is good for you and liam
I'm glad that there were no disasters!
I understand you totally on the hair front, I'm so happy I got my chopped off!
On the weaning front: I understand your mixed emoitions on it. I felt the same way. Boo wouldn't stop biting me and none of the tricks I knew helped. He also would nurse for three seconds unlatch and then relatch again which was extremely annoying. Do what feels right for the both of you. Its no fun getting beat up when your trying to feed him.
It didn't really work for me, but you could try freezing a wet face cloth and letting him bite on it before you nurse him to let him get it out of his system. My LLL leader suggested that one and it apparently worked for her!
I weaned the minute Ella started turning my hoo-has into chew toys.
We have similar hair issues. I'm still growing my hair out, yet some days, I am tempted to just chop it all off. Darn uncontrollable curls.
You'll get used to nursing with teeth, trust me. I nursed William until he was two. I know it's bad now, though.
Annabelle has been, at times, a pincher, a biter, a slapper, an acrobat, a kicker, and a scratcher.
I know no child is the same, but with Annabelle a stern and loud "NO!" followed by "OUCH!" followed by "NO PINCHING! NO!" worked. Some behaviors took a while to get rid of and some were gone in a day. Occasionally I would say "NO!", unlatch her and place her on the floor while giving her a stern talking to about why her behavior is unacceptable. She eventually learned.
You've mentioned in the past that you plan to only have one baby. Once weaned, there isn't any going back... if you aren't 100% sure, then that's a big decision to make! If he was still happy and pleasant to breastfeed, would you continue? If so, maybe consider fixing the problem that's making you want to stop??
I think Katie and Juliet made some good points... you can help him learn better manners and you will also get used to it.
Thanks Allysun. Today was a better day. No bites.
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