Sunday, October 10, 2010

Scooter Child

This nice little paved "scooter path" runs along a very pretty creek. Here is Liam running towards it this evening. He loves going on scooter rides and stopping on the bank to throw rocks... A lifetime passion of his.


Laura said...

What a cutie! LOVE his hoodie :)

Clare said...

great pictures!! he is looking so grown up:()

Anonymous said...

He is all boy that is for sure, great pictures.

Miss Megan said...

Two enthusiastic thumbs up from me!

Unknown said...

Love the poked out lip. Too cute. Our little went always want to ride his scooter and then we take him out on it and in up carrying it. Lol. Glad Liam get's use out of his.

Great pictures as always.

utmommy said...

Love the fall leaves that are starting to fall. So beautiful.

I can't believe how big he's getting. SO cute!