Dear Son,
It's Christmas! What a good time you've had on your 14th month birthday! First, you met your new steed and welcomed him with much love, then you opened a gift you never dreamed you wanted, but once you got that shiney new sword, you never let it go! I am surprised you didn't insist on taking it to bed with you tonight! You were spoiled rotten today... I should have stacked all the packages marked "Liam" to see how tall of a tower we could build before opening them all. You have many loved ones who knew just what to get you. Uncle Blake and Aunt Lindsay got you an ambulance complete with EMT workers and high pitched sirens... my parents got you books, music CDs, money and
more, your dad's parents got you your own beautiful real life rocking horse with your name engraved on it (a new pet that won't run away from you, which is priceless indeed), a train that toots and moves on it's own, cute PJ's and a warm winter outfit. Uncle T got you your own Baby Einstein dog puppet (the one you LOVE)! Uncle Drew got you a knight's armor set and you are too cute all decked out in it. Your baby sitter, Grandma Rose got you a flip-up board book and your main sitter, Shari got you VERY cute cowboy boots! Talk about a spoiled boy! Certainly an ONLY child in this house and very doted upon on both sides of our family. You lucky duck!
I must report that you are learning like crazy! My Christmas gift from you was given to me last night. You gave me an intentional Eskimo Kiss! I was thrilled. I accidentally taught you this last night as you were trying to pick my nose and I shook my head to avoid your tiny finger. I turned it into a game my shaking my head and nuzzling my nose with yours. I was tickled pink when you came towards me a minute later with your cute nose and shaking head!
Another adorable thing you picked up this last week... you fold your arms when it's time to pray! Today you crossed your heart so high, I just melted with joy! I hope this arm-folding is foreshadowing of how reverent you'll be in the future. I am very proud of you for recognizing that we always fold our arms when we pray!
Though you are a complete delight to us daily, you have indeed found your voice. Your very LoUd VOICE! You squeal when you are happy, you squeal when you are mad, sad or hungry. You squeal A LOT! And there is another thing you do A LOT... and that is SPIT! Spitting is your FAVORITE! If you could speak, you would run around the house yelling,
"Spitting is my favorite thing in the whole universe!"
"Am I not the funniest human being because of my spitting talents?" You laugh after each bout of spit permiates the air around you. You look at us hopeful so to invite us to join you in the joke called spit. As cute as it is sometimes, we are trying to teach you that it's not okay at the table or in someone's face. Baby steps...
You are a star eater! You can use a fork ALL BY YOURSELF! I am so proud of you for insisting on doing it yourself. You do so well for your age, in my opinion. I watched you get 3 consecutive "good" bites the other night! Yay for my big kid! You've been doing this utensil thing for over a month and it's just so neat to me!
Your walk has turned into a toddle type of run. It's funny when you get going a little too fast and try to slow down. It was especially funny this morning when your cowboy boots were on. You soon learned you had to
slooooow down! Oh it's so funny to watch you!
You are still not saying any words. The ma's and da's and ba's continue. You hum your own little songs and jabber a lot. You certainly understand a majority of what we say to
you. You mind us pretty well and know the tones we use and how to react accordingly. I had a dream that your dad came home from work and I said, "Say 'hi Daddy'" and you said, "Hi Daddy!" I am sure one day it will be just like that... you'll just start talking out of nowhere! I can't wait to hear what you have to say!
You still are not weaned from me, but this far into it, I am having a hard time letting go (which I never thought would be the case). Maybe this next month we'll be done with night nursing. I just love that you want to be close to me still. Words can't express how wonderfully sweet you are when I feed you in the night. It's a joy to watch you grow into a little boy, but you are still my baby... so soft, so sweet, so innocent.
Happy Birthday and Happy Christmas my darling little cowboy!