I don't know if you can hear him from there, but he's the loudest one in the class. Kills our ear drums 3 x a week... the Masters praise him for it though. Someone wishes they had a sticker stripe for being the loudest!
I didn't have to work the Friday before Christmas Eve, so I was able to plan a play date with our awesome neighbors, Gavin, Preslie, and Lindsey. We went to Airborne and we watched the kids have a blast getting out all their energy. It was nice to get to know Lindsey even better as I listened to her life story. What a woman. I am blessed to know her.
Here are the kiddos doing their thing...
Another perk of having a Friday off work, I was able to take Liam to the 4pm Tae Kwon Do class. I am glad we were able to attend because after the kids did all their warm ups, Master Kwon had a Christmas gift for all of them! GAMES! They played capture the flag and dodge ball!
Warming up...
First was capture the flag... what a riot watching those little ones duke it out!
Liam was defeated by Zane in that round.
Here is Liam cheering for the other matches.
Dodge ball... Liam was the last one out on the second round. He is one nimble kiddo!
So it's been a month of Tae Kwon Do and Liam has been working very hard. It all paid off today when he got his first sticker stripe on his white belt. I was so glad I was there to see him get it and celebrate with him. First thing we did was call Daddy!!! (Two days later he got his yellow stripe and the same excitement ensued!)
That same day we thought it was about time to put up our Christmas Decorations. Liam was a HUGE help and we got it all done! He is such a cute kid (in need of a hair cut.)
One of Liam's homework assignments was to use buttons and stack them up by the number given on each card. I was really impressed at how focused he was and how he didn't get frustrated when one pile would topple over. He would just start again and be content with his work. I like how his homework assignments really get the parents involved and help us remember to take the time to get down on the floor and play (or take photos, in my case, while praising his work).
Check it out - his nails are clean - only because he soaked in a 30 minute bath tonight!
We had a really nice Saturday. First, I had a photo session here on the grounds where we live with a super sweet family (whose mom happens to be my roommate from my BYU/UVSC days). While I was taking photos of their growing family, Liam went to our darling neighbors' house to play! Liam just adores Gavin! And I just adore his mom!
After I got done with the session, I went to pick up Liam and ended up taking a few photos of their super affectionate doggies! They crack me up how they fight for attention and lovin'.
Liam and I did some chores around the house and hung out a bit, then later got dressed up for a big event. He was looking forward to Dracula's Dash for Hope all day! He was very determined to win!
I was so proud of Liam running this 1 mile race! He came in 6th place overall and 3rd of the boys. What a man!!!!
After the race we went to his friend Taven's Halloween party and he played hard the entire time! There was a haunted maze in their back yard and he only went through it once. That was enough. Cracks me up when he won't admit he was scared of something. It was a fun night for him and so so so difficult to say good-bye to his friend when it was getting past his bedtime.