We had a great time with our friends in the Seattle area this past week. It was a fun birthday for me on Wednesday as we flew out first thing that morning and continued our fun into Saturday.
As always, Anissa was a great hostess as was Melynie when we stopped by her house on Thursday. The kids got along for the most part. They found some trouble now and again, but they don't seem to remember the getting-in-trouble parts. Liam can't stop talking about how fun the trip was. Hooray for getting out of town!
Oh, before I post a bunch of cute photos, I had to share a story of the above shot. On Wednesday we went to the Country Village in Bothel and the kids fed the ducks (among many other fun things). Liam kept on standing on a big rock along the bank of the water. I told him time and time again to get off the rock as he was sure to fall in throwing the bread. Well, he found himself on a rock again and catapulted himself into the dirty duck pond water. I watched in awe as he went under water. Luckily it was shallow enough he didn't need much help getting out of the nasty pond. Also, we had just come from the airport so we had extra clothes with us so he could change. All the kids learned a valuable lesson that day - parents know what they are talking about. What a concept!
Now for photo overload...
Our heros
All conked out on our way to the airport yesterday after a fun time at Remlinger Farms.
Here are a few photos from our visit with Melynie (Thing's Mommy) and her darling "things."
Liam has been a dream son the past 3 days. I am so happy with him. Tonight he was telling me how much he loves me. He was going on about infinity and then reiterating with great facial expressions that he was serious. I thought it was so dang sweet so I went to grab the camera to see if he would go on to emphasize the love as he was. Instead, he said how much he loved Daddy. All the way to Mars and past infinity. Here is what we captured:
Ian and I were majorly involved with cleaning out the attic and garage today in preparation for our move in less than 6 weeks. Liam was really great all day. He played games on the computer for awhile and then came outside and played with his water guns. Then he was quite entertained as Daddy put our confidential documents in the fire pit to burn.
By that time we had a pretty good pile to give to Kara and Jered, so I called them and asked if they could pick up the loot. Kara came right over with Joslyn and we retained Joslyn for the entire afternoon. She and Liam got along famously the ENTIRE time. It was so nice to have two kids that love each other so they could stay out of trouble while the parents got work done. Thanks to Kara and Jered for giving up their darling girl for a majority of the day.
Those two entertained themselves with trains, moon sand, snap its, legos, grasshopper catching, and backyard water play.