Friday, April 24, 2009

Thursday was divine

Yesterday Liam and I met up with my great friend Kate at the Aquarium. She brought her friend JJ and he was so adorable. Being that both the boys are three, you never know if they will butt heads or laugh their heads off together. They got along great.

After the aquarium, we went to Paradise Bakery for a delicious lunch! The kids behaved really well! Then we went to a nearby park and enjoyed the sunshine. It was nice to sit and relax in the middle of a Thursday with a good friend like Kate.

They both gave great hugs to each other and Kate and me before we said good-bye.

Liam fell asleep on the way home and transferred to his bed without waking. A miracle. So I took advantage and took a nap too! It was so wonderful! Drool wonderful.


D said...

Sounds perfect! I miss naptime for me. This week has not been conducive! Hopefully next week will be better.

RCRambling said...

Nap times = bliss.

In the picture of both boys sitting next to each other, Liam looks so grown up!

Ashley said...

Look at those adorable little boys together! I was laughing when you said you never know if the boys will butt heads or have fun together. I feel that way about my girls every morning. Every day is different.

Saedi said...

That looks so fun! Where is this aquarium?

Anissa said...

Definitely devine. Those pictures are just perfect.
Sounds like such a great day. I'm super jealous!

Close To My Heart said...

Holy crap those kids are CUTE! I LOVE the pic of them hugging. What freaking cute kiddos!

Lindsay said...

LOL. I forgot I was signed in as CTMH. LOL.
