When we got home it started to pour down corn snow. Liam heard it and Ian wanted to show it to him more closely, so they went out on the front porch to get a better look. Ian got scoops of the icey pellets, put them in his mouth and spewed them out into the air. Liam was chuckling to no end! It was hilarious! Ian just kept doing it over and over again and Liam reacted the same way each time. Giggles turned to whines when it was time to come indoors to thaw out... so sad...

WOW! I'm very impressed. I wish Little Bit would even think about using a bowl, much less a fork. She just picks the bowl up and dumps it out. The fork--sometimes I can get her to put it in her mouth if I put a noodle or something on the end but mostly she just slings it and hits herself in the eye.
He is getting so big and still cute as ever!
What a big boy! Liv just throws anything I sit in front of her.
What a smarty pants! Very impressive. I miss the beauty of snow, but not necessarily the cold, wet, freezingness of it.
I am impressed with his fork skills! I am still working on Gray- he's happy with just mama's milk, but that's ok... he's growing. I am just waiting for his interest in food to explode and soon he'll be eating everything!
Liam is just too adorable!
Congrats on the fork usage! Eleana can use a fork to eat periodically, but usually it's a tool for flinging food.
Ah! I haven't even put a fork in Kenley's reach! I'm sure she's old enough to start using one, but she's broken a bowl, a glass and a plate all in the last week. And forks can be used as weapons!
What a big boy Liam is growing to be!
what a fun snow day...we had one that day to, but Sierra seem to not even notice the snow. She's in her own world I guess. we had fun at your house and hope that next time the kids share a little better. thanks for the giggles!
luv, heidi
Wow, what a smart and coordinated 1 year old. He's doing better with a fork than many 2 year olds.
What a dad. Who else would have thought of creating a personal snow flurry for their baby?
I love his reaction to the snow! I can't wait to see my two year olds reaction when we go to Utah in January. He was too young last year to know a difference! I think you do a fabulous job documenting your son's life! Great job!
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